Be in control. BE profitable.

What we do

We assist you in understanding your IT expenditures by generating a report that identifies the IT investments delivering an acceptable ROI and the ones that do not. We then provide a roadmap for optimizing your environment to achieve maximum ROI. To follow up, we continuously monitor your environment to ensure the derived business value is sustained.

Key Topics
Case Study
Business IQ
with Leaders


cost management

cost management

Do what is rarely done. Calculating ROI is one thing but tracking the actual realization of said ROI-now that is GOLD.

Technical Debt

Technical Debt

Everybody has it. The question is not what assets need to be updated. It’s where do I get the budget to make it happen? Answer: Budget re-use.

Talent and Training Expenses

Talent and Training Expenses

It's not about the job, it's about the experience. Keep staff motivated and engaged by promoting the expansion of skill sets, both in breadth and depth. Make it achievement based through gamification and other incentives.

Data Storage and Management Costs

Data Storage and Management Costs

It's trickier than you think. There are two sides to data lifecycle management. One saves you money and the other keeps you out of jail.

Vendor Management and Contract Negotiation

Vendor Management and Contract Negotiation

Your attitude matters. They're not friends, they're partners. Who, what, where, and the when of vendor management must be framed out to optimize cost, reduce vendor complexity and redundancy.

Sustainability Metrics and Management

Sustainability Metrics and Management

It really does matter. Balancing the environmental impact of IT operations with cost considerations, incorporating energy savings and ESG metrics for senior management where needed.

DKGIT Service Offerings

Here are the Cost Control Services we offer. In addition to the below three cost control offerings, data center migrations are almost always a cost control measure as well.

Value Realization Office (VRO) icon

Value ReAlization Office (VRO)

DKGIT offers a complete service to establish your Value Realization Office (VRO).  Let our framework help you focus on achieving the value expected from your investments, initiatives, or portfolios efficiently. Our approach will help you maximize the return on investment (ROI) and achieve strategic objectives by actively managing and measuring the outcomes and benefits of various activities undertaken by your organization.

Cost Control and FinOps Icon

Cloud Right

CloudRightTM is a comprehensive framework for maximizing the full potential of cloud services.  It empowers IT with the right cloud strategy, adoption framework and IT environment optimized for your business needs.  Assess and optimize your cloud deployments to ensure performance, cost-efficiency, and business-IT are aligned.

Vendor Optimization Logo

Vendor Optimization

Drive down business costs and unlock capital for growth and transformation. At DKGIT, our proven framework delivers tangible results, including significant cost savings, streamlined processes, and enhanced innovation. By reducing complexity and eliminating redundant vendors across your IT landscape, we empower your organization to focus on strategic initiatives and drive meaningful growth. Ready to transform your vendor relationships and achieve measurable results? Partner with us today.

Case Studies


Eliminate wasteful infrastructure and
reduce Data Center TCO

Client: Leading provider of rubber products

Challenge: Reduce the number of data centers from five to one

Industry: Automotive and rubber related products

Fortune Rank: A fortune 500 company

Region of Operations: Global

Hardware Technology: x86 (Open Systems), Private Cloud, Public Cloud

Regulatory Concerns: PCI DSS, SAS 70, SOX, J-SOX, GDPR

Goal: Reduce operating environment by 88%

Goal: Simplify environment and reduce threat vector. Decommission more than a 1,ooo devices and only migrate 398.

Goal: Update CMDB and reduce the number of personnel operating data centers


The Cost Control Case Study Icon-8 
Strategic Results
$19.2 Million in savings over the next decade
88% reduction in infrastructure footprint
89% reduction power and cooling costs

“The consolidation project was successfully executed more than two months ahead of schedule, more than $13,000 under budget, and with zero downtime to the source and enterprise data centers.”

Business IQ

Cloud cost optimization- 10 ways to save

Cloud technology allows scalable on-demand sharing of resources and costs among a large number of end-users. It enables end-users to process, manage, and store data efficiently at very high speeds.

Despite these numerous benefits, many enterprises are facing spiraling costs and are looking for ways to reduce their cloud spending. Where can you find cost savings to make your cloud investments deliver on their potential without being cost hogs?

connect with leaders

Robert Armstrong


Robert Armstrong

Senior Consultant

Robert has spent his career focusing on business transformation through channels such as operating model evaluation, business process improvement, technology enhancement, and financial management spanning automotive, technology, and an assortment of retail industries.


Kris Mathisen


Kris Mathisen

President & CEO

Has extensive experience in developing innovative cultures. Use our contact form to reach out to Kris. Thank you.


Mitch Gelfond


Mitch Gelfond

Senior Consultant

Deep expertise in both business and IT consulting. Has led teams on large-scale transformations for Fortune 500 companies.
