Listen and be heard.

What we do

We help technology organizations communicate more effectively.

Key Topics
Case Study
Business IQ
with Leaders


Communication Planning

Communication Planning

Manage communications. Anticipate and guide conversations to ensure they happen timely. Communicate like NASA's mission control: timely, succinctly, clearly, and effectively.

Project Communication

Project Communication

Project communications planning is a blueprint for a specific project. It specifies the stakeholders, communication channels, and frequency. It is driven by clearly defined goals and the knowledge of what works with a specific set of stakeholders.

Team Engagement

Team Engagement

Drives engagement with employees. Companies whose engagement levels are in the top 25% credit effective communications for their lower turnover, lower absenteeism, better financial performance, and satisfied customers.

Results Oriented Communication

Results Oriented Communication

Be pragmatic. Plan communication to create business value. Promote, facilitate, and inspire communication associated with a well-defined business objective.



Have a plan ready to use. Respond as quickly as possible. Don't communicate before the message is accurate. Before responding, consult with crisis management professionals and your legal team.

Repeat Key Messaging

Repeat Key Messaging

For example, your mission statement is important. Repeat it often in order to influence every stakeholder's decision-making. Similar messages require repetition, which results in recollection, that leads to the desired results.

DKGIT Service Offerings

Here is what DKGIT can do for you.

Roadmap Icon for Communications

Communication Assessment and Roadmap

Don’t fix what isn’t broken.  We assist you in benchmarking current communication plans against best practices. Based on the assessment’s results, we create a roadmap. If you want us to assist you in implementing your communication plan, we will.

One off Communications Icon

Expert advice on-Demand

It doesn’t always need to be a crisis, but it could be. It might be your quarterly address to employees or a board-level briefing. We’ll put together a communications team to take your presentation from creative brief to storyboarding, rehearsal, and final presentation.

Targeted Project

Project Communication Experts

DKGIT can fill the gaps for communication experts on multiple projects simultaneously.  Don’t settle for less than experienced professionals. We’re also ready to train and mentor your existing staff. Our goal is to inform and satisfy stakeholders.

Case Studies


Beat top competitor in Magic quadrant for Global public cloud services

Client: Global leader IT consulting

Challenge: Getting the recognition for leadership in global Public Cloud Computing

Value of the Top Ranking: It is estimated that the value of this ranking is in the billions of dollars in new business

Industry: IT and business consulting services

Fortune Rank: A Fortune 7 company in India (over 610,000 employees)

Region of Operations: Global

Key Technology: AWS, Azure, Google, Oracle, IBM, Alibaba, and snowflakes


Communications Number 1

In Just a two-week window, we developed A Creative Brief, storyboard, and A FIFTY-TWO slide non-linear PowerPoint Deck presentation with mostly originaly illustrations and graphs.


Coached top executives on presentation and incorporateD their revisions.


Outranked the top IT consultancy in the world for the first time!


Business IQ

Cross-Functional Teams

Over the years, many IT organizations have become extremely proficient at squeezing the budget – or, in layman’s terms, getting a lot more work done without increasing staff. So when business management starts throwing around terms like “cross-functional collaboration”, IT managers are likely to translate it as “ do more with less”.  But, with a little work, you’ll find that implementing real collaboration across teams…

connect with leaders

Kris Mathisen


Kris Mathisen

President & CEO

Has extensive experience in developing innovative cultures. Use our contact form to reach out to Kris. Thank you.


Mark Bruneman


Mark Bruneman

Senior Communication Consultant

Over thirty years of communication experience with technology companies (B2B, B2G, B2C markets). Experience in hardware, software, and strategic infrastructure.


Mitch Gelfond


Mitch Gelfond

Senior Consultant

Deep expertise in both business and IT consulting. Has led teams on large-scale transformations for Fortune 500 companies.
